The HSC (High conversion Soaker Cracking) is a thermal cracking process developed by TOYO in collaboration with Mitsui Kozan Chemicals(MKC) in 1982. The first HSC commercial plant was constructed in Schwedt refinery of PCK Raffinerie GmbH(PCK) in 1988. Recently the HSC plant was revamped by increasing its capacity from 14,000 to 21,000 BPSD installing a second Soaker. The unit has been successfully put into operation since the summer, 2000.
The HSC process is an advanced continuous thermal cracking technology with a proprietary soaking drum, featuring a wide range conversion levels between visbreaking and coking while producing pumpable liquid residue at process temperature.
A broad range of heavy feedstocks such as heavy crude, long and short residue with high contents of sulfur and heavy metals and even visbroken residue can be charged to the HSC process.
The cracked distillates from the HSC process are mostly light and heavy gas oils with fewer unsaturates than coker distillates.
The heavy gas oil fraction serves as the feedstock to the FCC and the cracked residue can be used as the fuel for boiler at the power station.
The process uses no hydrogen, no catalyst and no high pressure equipment. The process economics is benefited by low investment cost and low utilities consumptions due to its simple process scheme as visbreaking process.