Board Of Directors

At the helm of every great organization there is a sound management which is focused on achieving an all round growth. Toyo India is driven by a management which is highly qualified and has diverse experience and approach to run a successful corporate. They are adept at different cross functional areas of the company and have led it to a trajectory of steep growth and consolidation over the years.

The Executive Committee

All Corporate Functions of the Company are efficiently managed by the Executive Committee, comprised of Managing Director and Executive Directors. Under the leadership of Mr. T. Kawahara (Managing Director), Commercial functions (namely Finance & Accounts, Human Resources & General Affairs) and Sales are managed by Mr. S. B. Shelke (Executive Director) and Executional functions (namely Projects and EPC: Engineering, Procurement, Construction) are managed by Mr. J. S. Soni (Executive Director).


Managing Director

S. B. Shelke

Executive Director (Commercial & Sales)

J. S. Soni

Executive Director (Projects & EPC)